
August J Grenzig Photo Album1

Photos from around 1965 when Emmy Grenzig’s Mom and Dad visited NY traveling here from Germany.

August J Grenzig Photo Album2

Some random photos from 1915 – 1975.
This album by August (aka Gus), was found in Albert Grenzig’s personal belongings after his death in May of 1999. Ed Grenzig (grandson of Gus) disassembled the photo album which was in poor condition, and digitized the photos by taking photos of the individual pages.

Grenzig Old Photos and Certificates Random

These are some old photos, marriage certificates, birth records, death certificates, letters, etc. Starts with John A Grenzig Jr., and his milk delivery business in late 1890’s, by horse and wagon! You will also see the business letter head!

Note: Photos are on Google Photos and you can comment on them. Just select one photo and click on the square comment icon on the bottom right corner of the photo.