Built by Grenzig!
John A. Grenzig Sr. built a 2 story house at this location (25 Starr St., Brooklyn, NY) in 1873. He and his family lived here and we believe that part of the building was also rented out. Sometime in the 1900’s a 3rd story was added to the building. The first floor was used for John Jr’s milk business at one time, and also became a candy store after that. John Jr’s three children , Helen, William and August were all born at 25 Starr St.
Front view: Original 2 story building.
Rear View
Picture of building from the NYC tax code department around 1943. A third story has been added to the building. We do not know when or by who. It looks like some type of store is located on the first floor. The signs say Coca Cola!
Same picture as above but no Coca Cola signs and it does not look like a store is there. Quote: from Letter of 1970. “He saved his money and bought the land known as 2527 Starr Street and at this writing, a new High School stands on this property. He finally built three story, four-family house with a store on the first floor. There were three toilets in the back yard.”
Picture from an album that was put together by August J. Grenzig. Click image and read the text.
A very interesting history to this building. It seems that John Sr. was quite an accomplished builder/mason. I wonder where he got the money from to build such a large structure around 1872-73? Also, who helped him? He was new to NYC and only arrived in June of 1870. His son, John Jr, was only 9 at that time? I believe he learned the trade when he moved from the outskirts of Berlin to Berlin city.