Albert Warren Grenzig
Born September 9th, 1925
Died May 19th, 1999 at age 73
Wife Emmy, and 3 children, Susan, Eddie, and Linda
- Born: Sep 9th, 1925, Queens NY
- Baptized, Methodist Church, Queens NY
- One Sister Ruth, one brother August Jr. who died at 1yr old
- Graduated from Poly Technical HS, Queens, NY
- Boy Scout Leader
- In World War II, Enlisted 1943 – Oct 1946
Army Infantry, Fought in Germany
First Scout, Sergeant, Awarded Bronze Star Medal for Bravery in combat - Met his future Wife Emmy Ewald in Kassel, Germany after War ended. Feb 1946
- Emmy came to US 12/11/1947
- They Married in Queens, NY, USA: Emmy Ewald, Jan 24th, 1948
- Lived in Queens with Parents for 1 year
- Moved to an apartment in Woodhaven, Queens, NY
- College: Poly Technic Institute of Brooklyn
Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering, June 13, 1951 - Joined Business J. A. Grenzig & Son, Electrical Contractors.
JA. is Grandfather John, Son is Father August, Al worked for his father. - Children: Susan, July 1951; Edward, Aug 1953; Linda, May 1959
- Moved to a new Home (3 bedroom ranch) in Wantagh, NY, in 1958
cost $18,000, 1/4 acre, 3564 Summer Dr. - Cub Scout Cub Master 1965-66
- Roundtable Commissioner 1966
- Assistant Scout Master 1967-68
- Took over fathers business J. A. Grenzig & Son Inc., 1967
Licensed Electrical Contractors
2764 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, NY - First VAC alone with Emmy, 1968 to Bermuda, 20 year anniversary
- Owner and Partner in Durite Associates Inc., General Contracting Business
Worked simultaneously with JA Grenzig & Son. - Masonic Lodge, Wantagh, NY: Master Mason ,
became Worshipful Master 1976 - 7 Grand Kids
- Always had fun at parties.
- Worked American Museum of Natural History
Supervisor of Electrical Maintenance, Started Summer 1983
Just Loved this Job!! - 50th Wedding Anniversary, Jan 24th, 1998. Big Party!!
- Never Retired, Was planned for March 2000
- Pancreatic Cancer, abt Nov 1998, only diagnosed about January1999
- Died: May 10th, 1999 at home in Wantagh NY, Hospice Care
- Buried Calverton National Cemetery, Sec 26, Calverton, NY
- Al had many Hobbies
Writing Poems for Special Occasions
Coin Collecting, Stamp Collecting, Old Tool Collecting
Family History
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